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Know "Who Unfollowed You on Instagram" with InstaFriends!

Do you encounter people in Instagram that follows you, then after following them back, they immediately unfollow you? Do you know who's that person? If not, then use InstaFriends, the easiest way to manage your friends at Instagram. To follow or unfollow people on InstaFriends, just hover your mouse cursor over their avatars and choose whether to view their info, follow or unfollow them. More details after the jump.

With InstaFriends, people are grouped into - Friends, Fans and Following:

  • Friends are the people who are following you and you’re following back.
  • Fans are the people who are following you, but you are not following them back.
  • Following are the people you’re following, but are not following you back.

- Instafriends isn't an official Instagram service.
- A mobile version of InstaFriends is also available for mobile browsers.

Source: InstaFriends

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1 comment:

  1. I personally use http://instunfollow.com and it is much more complete!


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